This is the datastore package that allows to save versioned datasets in R inspired by the miniCRAN pkg.

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As the package is not yet on cran, it can be installed easily directly from github.


Add datasets to the store

Using ds_add() one can add a dataset in different versions to the datastore. Note that the data input is not limited to data.frames but can be any R object.

df1 <- data.frame(x=1)
df2 <- data.frame(x=1, y=2)
df3 <- list(x=1, y=2, z=3)

# add a dataset to the datastore
ds_add(ds, obj=df1, ds_name="dataset1", version=1)
ds_add(ds, obj=df2, ds_name="dataset1", version=2)
ds_add(ds, obj=df3, ds_name="dataset1", version=3)

Information about current state

this functions shows some generic information about the given datastore


Check for existence

Using ds_exist() one can check if a dataset in a given version exists in the datastore.

ds_exists(ds, ds_name="dataset1", version=1)
ds_exists(ds, ds_name="dataset1", version=5)

Which versions exist?

Using ds_versions one gets an overview over all versions of a stored dataset in the given datastore.

ds_versions(ds, ds_name="dataset1")

Remove one or all versions of a dataset

Using ds_remove() one can remove a single (or all) versions of a dataset from a given datastore.

# remove a specific version
ds_remove(ds, ds_name="dataset1", version=2)
# remove all versions
ds_remove(ds, ds_name="dataset1")

Delete the entire datastore

With ds_delete_datastore(), one can delete the given datastore and all files versioned within it.